Thursday 20 October 2016

Yr 10 GCSE Media Like a prayer Synopsis

Year 10 media lesson Thursday 20/10/2016

In todays lesson we will be looking at the Madonna "like a prayer Synopsis".
What this means is we are looking at the story line of the video but we also need to look at
Mise en scene, camera shots.

  • What I need on the this slide is a sentence at the beginning about why you need to look at the synopsis of the video, how does this help you understand representation.
  • Video synopsis, please don't steal this from internet it will NOT have the format you need.

  1. You need to look at story line.
  2. Mise en scene, that is scene, mood, lighting, costume and props.
  3. Camera shots.
  4. Include picture to support what you say.
This may run on to two slides.

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