Monday 19 September 2016

A2 year 13 Homework due in on the 3 of October

All the below Trailer analysis needs to be completed, link it to theorist if possible. link it to what you would like to achieve but only if realistic, if not mention this.
The order of planning should be the following:
  • Statement about Horror trailers, what they are used for and how this is achieved.
  • Slideshare or Prezi about different types of Horror genres.
  • Analysis three different Horror Genres​. ​Detailed with screen shots to back up what you say.
  • Horror film conventions. This could be done in a illustrative video clips with voice over. Mis-en- scene, characters, text. scene length, slicing, audio.
  • Market research.   Target Audience Age/ Gender/ Genre. From this get a focus group.
  • Analysis three of the same Genre that you research has lead you to. Make sure each trailer is done in a different style. Story, Clip and mix up. You will get lots of ideas from this make sure you  say what you like and how it might be used.
  • Mood board of ideas.
  • Scene photos, ideas of setting. Mis-en-scene
  • Characters, linked to theorist and conventions
  • Make up and wardrobe.
  • Storyboarding, you will need at least 60????????
All this should show a clear journey from your planning to construction. On top of this keep a diary entry about what you have done each week, any problem and how you have overcome them.​
I have dropped the highest grade coursework which will need to be built on as we have talked about in lesson. we will be doing all this in lessons this week as well.

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